Contact Me

Are you a PFTM fan looking wanting me to put some new poems up?  Are you a PFTM fan who would love to share a poem you wrote with me?  (And possibly have it published?)  Or are you a PFTM fan who would like to give me feedback?  (Or alert me of typos?)

Then do I have an email address for you!!!

If you want to ask me something, tell me something, or share something with me, you can email me at!

Of course, there are some things I need to tell you before you email me.
1.  No personal information.  If you are sharing your own poem with me, please leave a fake name so I can accredit you.  If the name doesn't look fake, and I want to put the poem online, I will credit you as anonymous.  I also don't want to know anything else about you.  Give me your text and a fake name, that's it!
2.  This email address is for my blog ONLY!   Anything not concerning suggestions, poems, or feedback about my blog, will be promptly thrown in my virtual trash bin.  I'm not on this blog for social networking... I'm here to write! 
3.  When you write, be nice.  No swearing, no disrespectful stuff, no being, to put it simply, a jerk!  I can take constructive critism if you'd like to tell me something you'd like me to change or think I could improve on, but there's a difference between being helpful and being mean.  So instead of "your blog is terrible!" you could say "I think your blog would be better if..."
4.  Prepare for the worst.  Not all poems I recieve are going up.  If your poem doesn't get posted, don't be sad, and if you really want it, keep trying!  I'm not going to block out your name if I didn't choose your poem to go up.  I also am not going to respond to emails.
5.  Guidelines for submitting a poem.  Rule number three applies in this, no swearing or disrespect, all otherwise will be discarded.  Also, the topic can be anything other than love.  (Like, gushy, boy/girl, he's/she's so cute OMG!!! love.  Other love is perfectly fine!)  Look at what I write about here and try to write something about that yourself or totally branch out!  It's up to you, just no gushing.  Not all poems will be posted, so don't be sad if yours isn't.

So knowing all that, I think it's safe for me to let you email me now.  Just follow the rules.