
The Ultimate Price

A gunshot sounds off
A crack like thunder through an overcast sky
One heart stops
The hearts of so many others break

Siblings have lost a brother
Parents have lost a son
Children have lost a father
Soldiers have lost a friend

Rain pours on broken ground
Trees whisper in a million sad voices
Mountains so tall and mighty
Stoop down as the world mourns

An individual
Killed in a wave of thousands
Died proudly for love
He is not forgotten

--In memory of all men and women killed in the line of duty.

I Choose

I choose to know
He is the love the world cannot give

I choose to seek
The pathway he has constructed before me

I choose to fall
So he will help me rise

I choose to stand
So I may be humbled by his word

I choose to hurt
And he is hurt

I choose to love
And he is loved

I choose to pray
That I will live and die in his arms

This is for God.